What is the ZERO Coin?

Welcome to the world of ZERO Coin, where satire meets finance, and where we take a playful jab at the endless money-printing antics of modern economies. At the heart of our project stands a caricature as timeless as greed itself—Uncle Sam, but not as you know him. This Uncle Sam is our cheeky nod to the insatiable appetite for creating money out of thin air, a symbol of the financial folly we aim to highlight.

ZERO Coin is a digital currency with a twist: it boasts of being worth absolutely nothing. In a landscape where the value of money is increasingly questionable, ZERO Coin embraces its worthlessness with pride, turning the concept on its head. It's a collectible, a statement, and a community rolled into one. With ZERO Coin, we're not just creating another cryptocurrency; we're sparking a conversation about value, scarcity, and the very essence of money itself.

The coin will tentatively launch on pump.fun the first week of May, 2024. Join the Telegram for updates!

$ZERO will be launched in the first week of May. Join the Official Telegram for announcements and updates. 10% of the supply will be set aside to be burned and 10% will be set aside for airdrops.

Things the Founder Fathers would probably have said if they were alive today:

“In the land of the free, the printing press is king. It's the only place where creating trillions overnight is considered a balanced breakfast.”

-George Washington (if he was alive today, probably)

The U.S. has perfected the art of monetary magic: where else can you turn paper into 'wealth' with the wave of a wand and a press that never sleeps?

-Alexander Hamilton (if he was alive today, probably)

“If money grew on trees, the Federal Reserve would be a national park, tirelessly cultivating the rare 'Inflationary Dollar Tree' in its secret garden.”

-Thomas Jefferson (if he was alive today, probably)

They say the best things in life are free, but apparently, so is money—if you own the right printer. [speaking of the Federal Reserve] Welcome to the modern alchemy of the 21st century.

-Benjamin Franklin (if he was alive today, probably)

Total Supply

The ZERO Coin launches with an initial supply of 1,000,000,000 tokens, a deliberate choice to balance scarcity with accessibility. This supply ensures that there are enough tokens for widespread distribution and use within our ecosystem, while also maintaining the token's collectible nature. Remember, despite the numbers, the true essence of ZERO Coin lies in its community and the statement it makes about value—highlighting that, like all currencies, its worth is not intrinsic but agreed upon by its users.